Similar Titles
Astronomer, Astrophysicist, Data Scientist, Research Scientist, Scientist
Job Description
Observe, research, and interpret astronomical phenomena to increase basic knowledge or apply such information to practical problems.
Job Responsibilities
- Mentor graduate students and junior colleagues.
- Present research findings at scientific conferences and in papers written for scientific journals.
- Collaborate with other astronomers to carry out research projects.
- Analyze research data to determine its significance, using computers.
- Study celestial phenomena, using a variety of ground-based and space-borne telescopes and scientific instruments.
Technology Skills
- Analytical or scientific software — IBM SPSS Statistics Hot technology; SAS statistical software; Starcal; The MathWorks MATLAB Hot technology
- Development environment software — Abstraction plus reference plus synthesis A++; Formula translation/translator FORTRAN; National Instruments LabVIEW Hot technology; Software development tools
- Graphics or photo imaging software — Avis Fits Viewer; IRIS
- Object or component-oriented development software — C++ Hot technology; Oracle Java Hot technology; Python Hot technology; R Hot technology
- Presentation software — Microsoft PowerPoint Hot technology
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